Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sock Monkey and Elephant

Stirling has adopted monkey so I gave Wesley the choice, he could have a monkey or an elephant. He picked an elephant.

As you can see he still needs his eyes added (and monkey is already needing repairs from all Stirling's love), but according to Greg they blend into our doona cover nicely!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sock Monkey!

This was my first attempt at any sort of softie. Not sure what his name is yet, but the boys seem to like him already.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wesley is 3 today!

Today we celebrated Wesley' s 3rd birthday! How much he has changed since a baby!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The start of something new

For a while now I have been reading other blogs and thinking I can do that. Well now I have decided to get off my bum and do it.
This will give all my family and friend a chance to see what I am up to.

I have a number of projects on the go. I want to make some more nappies for the boys. I have some dresses to make for presents for Christmas (not really to try shirring, but the material from spotlight helps me out there), I also have a couple of woollen soakers to get finished for the boys